Monday, July 21, 2008


Wow! I am finally done. Nothing like finishing almost at the last minute. I really enjoyed this class and I have learned so much. I can't wait to share with some of my co-workers. I have already been telling them about some of the Things. I loved and will continue using Animoto, Flikr, bookmarks, my RSS feeds, and my blog with my class. I want to learn more about podcasts and downloading music. Technology is a big part of education now and I feel like I am "in the know" of a lot. I would definitely take another class like this. I was suprised at how much time I spent on the computer during this discovery--I thought I would get something done and go on in 15-20 minutes. "Things" took me a long time because I really wanted to get to know what I was doing and learn. That is the beauty of summer--I could stay up late, late and work on this class. I subscribed to the Learning 2.1 blog. Thank you for offering this class.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thing #23 Creative Commons

The Fair(ly) Use video was creative.  The video on the Creative Commons site was very informative.  It helped me understand the difference between what is copyrighted and what we can all use and give credit to.  I will go back to these sites for references.  From the beginning page of this class--"The Learning 2.0-23 Things program is based on the Learning 2.0 program that was designed by Helene Blowers.  Helene's program was loosely based upon Stephen Abram's article, 43 Things I (or You) might want to do this year (Information Outlook--Feb 2006) and the website 43 Things."

Thing #22--Podcasts

I went to the Educational Podcasting Directory. I found a podcast for Social Studies on Colonial Times that I think will be interesting for my students to listen to.  This directory was easy to use.  The first time I have heard of podcasts was when I was looking up information on a Daytime soap opera and you could listen to a whole show.  I listened to some podcasts of students that was on the blog of another person from this class.  I think that my students would enjoy making podcasts for projects in my Social Studies and Reading classes.  I am going to look up in the Podcast directory for listings on Exercise.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thing #21 Animoto

I love Animoto! It is easy to use. I made one with zoo pictures from the last few years. I had ideas for songs--like Wild Thing (you make my heart sing) or something along those lines. I do not have songs saved on my computer. I tried to find it, I ended up using one of the songs from the Animoto site. I will look into doing a better job with songs in the future. This would be an awesoome activity for students to put together for projects.


Thing #20 You Tube

The first time that I visited You Tube was a few months ago.  I was looking for the  video "Charlie Bit Me."  I first saw it on the Ellen show.  It is cute and  cracks my daughter and me up.  It is amazing how many videos are on You Tube and what people put on there.  There are, of course,  a lot of inappropriate videos, but there are a lot that are educational.  Everywhere you look on websites there are videos used.  I like how someone in this course found the School House Rocks videos.

Charlie Bit Me