Monday, July 21, 2008


Wow! I am finally done. Nothing like finishing almost at the last minute. I really enjoyed this class and I have learned so much. I can't wait to share with some of my co-workers. I have already been telling them about some of the Things. I loved and will continue using Animoto, Flikr, bookmarks, my RSS feeds, and my blog with my class. I want to learn more about podcasts and downloading music. Technology is a big part of education now and I feel like I am "in the know" of a lot. I would definitely take another class like this. I was suprised at how much time I spent on the computer during this discovery--I thought I would get something done and go on in 15-20 minutes. "Things" took me a long time because I really wanted to get to know what I was doing and learn. That is the beauty of summer--I could stay up late, late and work on this class. I subscribed to the Learning 2.1 blog. Thank you for offering this class.

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